Factors Affecting Human Life

      Man is a social animal, so many factors influence his personality and life. The following five factors are particularly liable for man's future to be good or bad.

1.we have done past karmo:-   

Based on the good or bad deeds man has done in his previous life, he gets new vagina, caste, life and

happiness. Humans can also get a vaginal dissection of animals or insects. The human vagina is the bestin all the Yonas. As well as being the ultimate vagina, it is also a gate of liberation. Getting Moksha isthe main goal of Jivatma. To get salvation, Paramatma sends Jivatma on the earth. That is why it is theresult of good deeds done by Jivatma, it is the result of human birth. If he keeps his thoughts in this life,he will not feel the jealousy or embarrassment of anybody, and if he is always happy, he will be able tomake his future pleasant and the best. Thus, the effects of the karmas made in the forearm are also born on this birth.

2.Parental influence:- 

The influence of his parents on a man is most common. The parents of a human being are temperate,
naive, honest, cultured and kind-hearted, who never speak a liar. They treat everyone well and also givegood values ​​to their children. Their children become like this by seeing their parents. If the behavior ofthe parents is bad, then their children are also dishonest, miserable, evil and debilitating. Thus, the influence of their parents on humans also falls too much.

3.Influence of family members:-

In addition to the parents on the other side of the family, other membersof the family also have a great influence. The grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt and their children living in the family also have a lot of influence because a man lives with them all day. Apart from this,the influence of other relatives and neighbors also falls somewhat. If the home environment is good then it will have a great effect on man's character and temperament, but if there is Kalashkanka in the house then it has a bad effect on the nature, behavior and character of his children.

4.The influence of companions and friends:-

Every person does not stay influenced by his friends and friends. Even if the child grew up in the environment, but if he gets stuck in a bad company, then the bad influence of Kusang is necessary. Its good habits also get spoiled. So the child's parents should keep an eye on their friends. It should be closely monitored on the habits of the child if it is a good thing for a child to have a positive change because of good association, but if he wants to spoil, then the parents should save him from the company of bad friends.

5.Impact of education and teachers:-

The behavior, character and practice of the teachers, who are studying in the school, also has a great effect on the children's mind. At the same time, education in schools is also affected. There is a rolled roll for teacher students. Therefore, their personalities fall on the lives of their children.

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